Receive Your Parcels

We deliver to exact destination in record time and through the best and safest transport Channels possible. Our innovative systems provide for accurate parcel tracking on our website.

Submit Relevant Documents

Depending on the type of parcel or proposed destination, additional documents might be required to meet requisite global legal demands. We are also able to facilitate receipt of such documents when they are not readily available

Book Online

Having us deliver your parcels begins with an easy application process designed to activate all processes and action plan that will ensure a fast and safe delivery of your parcel to any location of your choice

Why We are The Best

13+ Years Experience in Courier And Cargo Management Service

Our services are cost effective, efficient and fast

Safe And Efficient Services

Our staff are the best trained. We deploy innovative tools and systems in ensuring optimal service delivery in any country or community we service.

Lowest Cost

Gain the advantage when you pay less to gain more.

Fastest Delivery Rate

Have it delivered to your desired location in time or your money back!

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Services We Offer

We Are Arch Hub Logistics

We believe that doing things better and differently is the best way to gain competitive advantage

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We provide storage facilities and help evacuate or stock warehouses around the globe. You just need to identify a logistics need and our team will help transform it into real business for your Organization

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International Courier

Our innovative solutions bring an entirely new perspective to international shipping and courier services. We adopt best practices and efficient systems in ensuring excellent global courier business activities.

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Over Night Courier

The time of pickup is not an issue. We can deliver same day or next day-typically within 24hours

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Pallet Courier

We effectively, securely and efficiently handle local and international pallet shipping to Europe, America, Asia and around the world.

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Express Courier

Sending sensitive and ostentatious items and parcels to any location is now easier and more reliable with Arch Hub Logistics SendSafe System.

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Standard Courier

Our innovative systems allow you to call for pickups and send your parcels to any location with just a click, and be able to track progress in real time

Our Team

Top Notch Professionals

We prime professionalism and excellence in everything we do

John Dew
Head: IT and Tracking Services Complete Delivery : 6543
Harry Hardson
Logistics Officer Complete Delivery : 656
Dew Brisk
Head of Operations Complete Delivery : 3239
Liana Harris
Head: Global Business Research And Development Complete Delivery : 2323


Total Deliveries


Total Staff


Total Branches


Satisfied Returning Clients
Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most asked questions by customers

Any questions not attended to here can be referred to us through direct message or chat

How do I contact Customer Service to resolve an issue?

This is an area of great strength. You can easily use the live chat system or send us an email or chat via WhatsApp on the number displayed on the contact page

How do I know when my parcel gets to my location?

You will be fully notified via email and sms and you can easily track progress and location of your parcel in real time.

How much does it cost to send over night courier?

The answer is simple. It's relative to some parameters like type of parcel, destination and weight. However, Arch Hub Logistics service costs are the cheapest yet of great quality

How to book services on Arch Hub Logistics

You only need to click on REQUEST A QUOTE button to initiate immediate discussion with our team

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Our Top Operational Bases

USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, Germany, Morocco, Egypt, South Africa, Finland, Italy